Onsite Services

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Wound Management Service

  • Assessment and management of complex and chronic wounds.
  • Wound product audit and recommendations.

Please Contact Us for Wound Review Proposal specific to your needs.

Complex Care: NP Clinic

  • Conduct comprehensive health assessments.
  • Provide recommendations on complex clinical & nursing interventions.
  • Review resident’s heath issues, prescribe diagnostic tests.
  • Medication reviews and medication prescription in collaboration with LMO.

Clinical Governance Support

  • Work with management team in conducting audits.
  • Develop continuous improvement strategies in alignment with Aged Care Standards.

Project Management

  • Site audits to assess compliance with standards of care.
  • Assist site with response planning and interventions to address non-compliance in Aged Care Standards.
  • Work on identified and agreed projects.

Care Consultation support

  • Participate/ support with scheduled care consultations.
  • Palliative and incident specific discussions with NOK.
  • Family complaint management support.

Dementia and Behaviour management services

  • Assessment and management of complex psychogeriatric problems like Dementia, Depression, Anxiety disorder and Grief.
  • Provide recommendations on clinical & behavioral management intervention.
  • Assist with care planning and follow-ups.
  • Medication reviews and medication prescription in collaboration with LMO.

Palliative care services

  • Conduct comprehensive palliative and end-of-life health assessments.
  • Review resident’s health issues and conduct case conferences with family and team.
  • Provide recommendations on complex clinical & nursing intervention.
  • Medication reviews and medication prescription in collaboration with LMO.
  • Provide end stage dementia care and caregiver support advise.