Privacy Policy

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Privacy policy

We collect information about you to make your job search as easy and safe as possible. This data is important; we understand that. This is why we’re committed to protecting your privacy online.

We’ve updated our privacy policy to explain exactly how we manage and use your information.

Privacy policy

SR Care Staffing Services and its offices, branches and related companies is part of the SR Care Consultation Pty Ltd group of companies (“SR CARE” or “we”, “our” or “us”).

We are committed to ensuring that when handling your personal information, including how your personal information is captured, collected, used, disclosed and stored, we do so in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

  • Collection of Personal Information

SR CARE may collect information about you such as your name, contact details, skills, qualifications, accreditations and your employment history. We may also collect other types of your personal information such as references, police checks and employment objectives during SR Care’s association with you. Where practical, the purpose of collection of above information and consequences of not providing the information will be made clear at the time of collection.

We may collect information while:

(a) registering/ subscribing to our services/ requesting further services on any of our websites;

(b) you can contact us to report a problem with our websites or make any enquiry/ query/ comments.

(c) you may apply online or onsite for a job, to work with SR CARE. You need to provide (without limitation) information about your education, employment history, health, criminal history and accreditations. Your application will constitute your express consent to our use of this information, including to access your application and to allow us to carry out any checks, such as reference checking and other related activities as may be required of us under applicable law as an employer.

SR CARE may also collect information from public record and third parties as appropriate.

  • Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

SR CARE holds, uses and discloses your personal information for the purposes for which we collect it, as well as purposes that are related, where you would reasonably expect us to or otherwise as set out in this Privacy Policy.

We disclose your personal information to our third-party suppliers in confidence and in accordance with the law for the purpose of providing our services to you, conducting our business and communicating with you.

We will not use or disclose your personal information for other purposes without first seeking your consent, unless authorised or required by law. Generally, we will use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. to provide our services to you.
  2. to maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our website, a client or candidate.
  3. to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for jobs.
  4. to provide clients with information about you during an assignment or placement, including qualifications, licenses, checks (including sensitive information checks, where you have consented), migration status and other personal information you have provided to us.
  5. to contact any reference from details provided by you for the purpose of SR CARE placing you with a client.
  6. to answer your inquiry.
  7. to direct-market products and services, advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications.
  8. to different parts of the SR CARE to enable the development and marketing of other products and services and to improve our customer service and to make our services more valuable to you, including tailoring our website when you log on to make it relevant to you personally.
  9. if SR CARE merges with or is acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers and if this happens, you will be sent notice of such an event.
  10. we may also release personal information to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so.
  11. to meet or comply with any legal, regulatory or statutory requirements relating to our provision of products and services and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, legislation, rule, ruling, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular or code (collectively “laws”) applicable to us.

we may also seek your consent to collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for any other purpose not listed above.

  • Sharing of Personal Information

While your personal information will be kept confidential, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary for us to provide or disclose your personal information if required for any of the foregoing purposes. Where we do so, we would merely disclose information that is necessary for the purpose of such disclosure.

We may share your personal information with the following categories of persons (who may be located within or outside of Australia), such as entities within the SR CARE  including all related companies, subsidiaries, holding companies and associated companies, our affiliates, licensees, joint venture partners; our sub-contractors and service or product providers in connection with our products or services; and anybody or person to whom we are compelled or required to do so under any laws or in response to any competent or government, state, provincial, local government, statutory or municipal authority, industry regulators,  law enforcement authority, agency or body.

  • Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is a special category of personal information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). It is the information or an opinion about you, including racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal records and health information.

As part of the services we provide, SR CARE may arrange health surveillance, drug and alcohol testing, medical testing or police checks as required by our clients or legislation. If you are required to provide any of this sensitive information, we will seek your consent first, including your consent to disclose this information to our client where the client requests this.

Where SR CARE needs to collect use and disclose your sensitive information SR CARE will provide the purpose for the collection and it will only be disclosed with your consent.

  • Privacy on Our Websites

(a) Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae (“CV”) and Applying for Jobs

You may submit your CV to SR CARE via the SR CARE website, either for general consideration by our recruitment consultants for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV will be sent directly to the relevant SR CARE recruitment consultant who will review your details and advise you whether you are to be accepted by us for registration on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our recruitment consultants working in other offices of the SR CARE, in Australia. If you are accepted onto our database, our recruitment consultants should then contact you to set up an interview in person. You can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV via our websites. Upon submitting your CV, you consent to the information contained therein being shared with our clients for the purpose of considering you for positions, placements or assignments.

(b) Job Alerts

You may sign up to receive emails that alert you to new jobs on our website (Job Alerts). To subscribe to Job Alerts, you need to provide your email address, which will be used for the purpose of keeping you informed by email of the latest jobs and/or news in your nominated industry. If you no longer wish to receive Job Alerts, unsubscribe links are provided in every Job Alert email that you receive.

(c) Aggregate Information About Website Visitors

We gather information and statistics about all visitors to this and all our websites, including the most frequently accessed pages and most frequently used services. We only use such information in aggregate form (that is, the information does not identify any one individual). This information helps us determine the most beneficial parts of our websites and ways in which we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users. We also publish some of this aggregate (non-identifiable) information on the SR CARE websites.

  • Security

SR CARE takes reasonable steps to keep personal information secure, accurate and up to date. The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information by implementing digital security systems in various parts of our website, SR CARE cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the SR CARE, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites’ privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

  • Website Links

Where we have links to websites outside the SR CARE, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites’ privacy policies as we have no control over them and are not responsible for any information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

  • Access to Personal Information

You may request access to or update or to delete your personal information held at SR CARE by contacting the SR CARE Privacy Officer as set out below. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request and give you reasons for doing so. Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute. If you have created an account with SR CARE via our website, you are able to view and update any information by logging into your account.

You may also request that SR CARE stops using your information and contacting you and we will comply with your request (for example if at any time you would prefer to stop receiving newsletters and updates from us, please use the “unsubscribe” option included in the email or other material). However, if this involves a request for deletion of your file, please be aware that we may not be required or able to do so, particularly where your file also holds information about our clients. We reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for access and updating requests.

  • Complaint

At SR CARE we aim to acknowledge receipt as soon as possible and commit to resolve all complaints no later than 30 days. However, there may be instances where this is not possible due to the contents of the complaint. In such circumstances, we will respond to your complaint in a reasonable and practical time. You may wish to contact the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) if you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint.

  • Contact

You can contact our Privacy Officer if you would like further information, have comments about this Privacy Policy or any question or complaint on any privacy issue:

Contact details: here.


  • Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please note that this Privacy Policy will regularly be updated to reflect any changes in the way we handle your personal information or any changes in applicable laws. We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes.